Max-eBar®, the electronic bar system is revolutionizing hotel vending, offering considerable cost savings and other benefits over traditional in-room bars.

Powered by EPnet, Quintus Systems’ own patented software, Max-eBar® turns a straightforward vending machine into a 24/7, fully integrated, retail centre offering guests the opportunity to purchase a wide variety of products using their room keycard and charging directly to their room account. No cash or credit cards are needed. With our banking-in and vinyl wrapping service we are able to design the Max-eBar to fit into the hotel style providing an integrated, aesthetically pleasing alternative to in-room bars.

The Max-eBar® automated retail centre may be sited in the corridor near guest bedrooms, adjacent to the lifts or in a central location such as the foyer. A wide choice of products are on offer, including alcoholic and soft drinks, snacks, toiletries, gifts and “distress items”. The possibilities are endless and stock can be carefully selected to meet guest’s needs. Our extensive experience of installing Max-eBars in a variety of hotels enables us to assist you in product selection and maximising turnover and profits. In particular, Max-eBar is a cost-effective alternative to in-room bars.

10 Max-eBar Advantages to In-room Bars

Each Max-eBar can replace a 100 or more in room bars giving:

  1. Reduced stockholding
  2. Faster stock turnover and reduced “out of date” stock
  3. 24/7 unmanned service
  4. An alternative to visiting the bar or restaurant for those in a hurry and for those travelling alone
  5. Safe, secure deliver, no possibility of contamination or returns
  6. Impulse purchases with ‘no money’ required
  7. Opportunity to provide unattended serving of alcohol
  8. Wide range of goods available
  9. Available in Hostel or Hotel mode
  10. Accurate billing avoids disputes at Reception

How does Max-eBar® work?

Integration of Max-eBar® with PMS

  • Integrated with most of the major Hotel PMS brands
  • Uses the standard FIAS interface to check valid key and real-time authorisation of room charge
  • Automatic check-in & check-out
maxebar PMS integration

Integration of Max-eBar® with Doorkey systems

  • Integrated with most of the major Hotel doorkey systems
  • Available with all major technologies including magnetic stripe or RFID
maxebar doorkey

Comprehensive reporting and analysis

  • Full sales analysis from all Max-eBar® dispensers in real time
  • Reports available by day, week, month and year
  • Reports available by room and Max-eBar® dispenser
  • Reports available inclusive and exclusive of VAT
  • Reports by stock items and stock departments
  • Reports can be viewed on screen, printed or exported to Excel
maxebar reporting