
Hoteliers will recognise the added value opportunities offered by selling alcohol and other convenience products through the in-room bar. They will also be all too familiar with the drawbacks, such as high capital investment, labour intensiveness and pilferage. Now, hotel vending with Max-eBar offers a more cost-effective and totally secure way to sell alcohol and sundries to guests without the attendant risks of theft or contamination.

By placing a limited number of Max-eBars in strategic locations throughout the hotel, guests have ready access to drinks, snacks and toiletries. The Max-eBar software enables guests to pay by swiping their room cards through the reader and the transaction is automatically reported to the hotel’s Property Management System (PMS) at the front desk and added to the guest’s room bill for payment on departure.

Max-eBar may be expanded with a sophisticated hotel version of EPnet Hospitality, enabling the guest to pay throughout the hotel, in bars and restaurants, alongside cash, cheque or credit card payment options. Again, transactions are reported in real time to the hotel’s PMS for guest payment upon departure.

Hospitality EPoS

The EPnet Hospitality version was designed and built around a specification supplied by a major hotel chain to meet the specific requirements of a hotel EPoS system.

Again, full integration to the PMS is vital to ensure a smooth operation. EPnet Hospitality runs restaurant, bar and event room tills and can be installed separately to or in addition to the Max-eBar system.

EPnet Hospitality is based around stylish touch screen tills that are centrally programmed with Quintus providing the option of a remote programming service.

EPnet Hospitality has the following Hotel based features:

    • Full integration to PMS
    • Bill transfer between locations
    • Split payment between guests
    • Split payment between payment types
    • Remote kitchen and bar printing
    • Ability to send messages to kitchen
    • Cooking instructions
    • Embedded up-selling items
    • Till operator ID and tracking
    • Table tracking
    • Sub menu and food order modifiers

These are some of the many features specifically available in EPnet Hospitality software. Please contact us for further details.