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web-Loading with WisePay

By December 14, 2016 October 16th, 2019 No Comments

Quintus Systems have teamed up with WisePay to add a “web-Loading” alternative to our range of payment options.

Traditionally, cashless systems have used cash Loaders to add value to the cashless account by inserted money into a machine. However, by working with WisePay, web-Loading enables us to take payments via the Internet.

Any Internet-enabled device (be it a smartphone, tablet or PC) at home, work or on the move can be used to transfer money directly from the bank to an EPnet Cashless account. This saves costs with cash-counting and banking and provides greater convenience for the account holder.

This is particularly useful for parents to pay money into their children’s accounts at school, although is not just limited to the education sector. wisepay
